Devil’s Tower, WY

“If you can’t find God in the beauty and the wonder of nature, you will never find it in a book” (Baruch Spinoza), and I couldn’t agree more. For the natives of the area (the Arapahoe, Cheyenne, Crow, Kiowa and Lakota) this is sacred land, and although they each have a different version of how this amazing rock formation came to be, they share a common thread: a bear that tried to climb to the top and left the mark of its claws as it slid to the bottom with every attempt.

Like everything else that we’ve seen during this trip, pictures simply aren’t enough to convey the tower’s awe-inspiring beauty. From this beautiful location, another 300+ miles to our final destination before we start on our journey back to New Jersey, through the Tetons (WY), Arches (UT), and Colorado.