An Awe-Inspiring Bridge!

  • Post category:Adventures

Ever since Curtis decided to gather all the RVillagers in one place, we get behind the wheel and drive to connect with other like-minded spirits. After another harsh winter in New Jersey, it is time to head down to Florida…

A Reality Check

  • Post category:Adventures

The hike up to Birds Nest from Thornton pass the day before proved to be difficult and long, but in retrospect a "cake walk" compared to what we had in store for day two of our adventure.

The First Challenge

  • Post category:Adventures

After several weeks of preparation, we were finally on our way and at around 5:30PM (an hour-and-a-half later than anticipated) on Wednesday, September 4th, we got dropped off at Thornton Gap and got started on the first leg of our journey through the Shenandoah Mountains.