During our last trip, we talked about a dream we individually had but placed in the back burner for various reasons. In my case, I always thought of it as something I would never do on my own and felt it was something I could only do when I retire: “Zig-zag the USA in an RV”. Zorro thought of RVing and working all the way back to the mountains of Guatemala. He is half way there since he already works remotely but internet connectivity is a must and not always reliable. I, on the other hand, would need to find other methods to continue my consulting services; maybe Skype, Google Hangout, Join.me, or some other technology will be a solution. “Beam me up Scottie” would be nice. Ha! one can continue to dream.
Back to the ground… as we talked over a campfire, we immediately agreed that we should give it a try before retirement, the sooner the better. Take a year or so while we are still physically and financially able to travel, work, play and keep our bricks and sticks home intact. With so many competing needs that must align… Phase I begun: A mission is just a vision with a deadline. In this case, we set our first goal of hitting the road by July 22, 2015.
Step 1: Set Goals